"The last time noted pastor and author James Montgomery Boice addressed his congregation before succumbing to cancer, he spoke of the trust that healing prayer includes."
If I were to reflect on what goes on theologically here, there are two things I would stress. One is the sovereignty of God. That’s not novel. We have talked about the sovereignty of God here forever. God is in charge. When things like this come into our lives, they are not accidental. It’s not as if God somehow forgot what was going on, and something bad slipped by. It’s not the answer that Harold Kushner gave in his book, Why Bad Things Happen to Good People. God does everything according to his will. We’ve always said that.
But what I’ve been impressed with mostly is something in addition to that. It’s possible, isn’t it, to conceive of God as sovereign and yet indifferent? God’s in charge, but he doesn’t care. But it’s not that. God is not only the one who is in charge; God is also good. Everything he does is good. And what Romans 12, verses1 and 2, says is that we have the opportunity by the renewal of our minds—that is, how we think about these things—actually to prove what God’s will is. And then it says, "His good, pleasing, and perfect will." Is that good, pleasing, and perfect to God? Yes, of course, but the point of it is that it’s good, pleasing, and perfect to us. If God does something in your life, would you change it? If you’d change it, you’d make it worse. It wouldn’t be as good. So that’s the way we want to accept it and move forward, and who knows what God will do?
Read the whole article (PDF file):
Hi there James,
I have suffered with narcolepsy for most of my adult life. After much soul searching I read a book called "Remarkable Healings" by Shakuntala Modi", about a Psychiatrist who discovers demons by chance in the patients she treats with clinical hypnotherapy. This book combined with a book called "secrets of spiritual warfare" by Jessie-Penn Lewis combines the "knowledege" and techniques you need for effective deliverance.
The chaotic dreams you are experiencing are part and parcel of what happens when you begin to wage spiritual warfare on the enemy.
I can help you to understand how to wage effective warfare through the understanding of the dreams and the deception that is being fed to you.
Deliverance is a subjects the majority of Christians know nothing about. You need experiential knowledge to help you work it out.
It is also possible that there is a calling on your life, which is why you are attacked with greater intensity.
The main thing is to keep your spirit in fighting shape by reading the NT each night. Also you should pray nightly for healing and protection. I can help you understand spiritual attacks and also explain to you how to understand the movements of your spirit. Get in touch.
Check out my website:
I notice there is no Scripture mentioned here or on your site. That would be instrumental in backing up any information and advice you would give from a Christian perspective.
I there, I mentioned reading the New Testament and prayer each day to build up your spirit.
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